SPE Regional Young Member Outstanding Service Awards 2019


Mr. Arasy Az Zariat discovered fruitful experience towards personal growth when volunteering in SPE Balikpapan Section. He found SPE as a place for stepping out from the comfort zone to the growth zone. His experiences managing various events and met many people from industries or communities had transformed him drastically.

"My hands were no longer sweating and shaking every time standing on the stage".

Through his extensive volunteering roles in the Section, he received the SPE Regional Young Member Outstanding Service Award 2019. He was the first person ever from the Section to receive the award.

"You can only grow through action, not one or two but plenty of actions. And I choose SPE as my journey to embark on my goals. I firstly joined SPE to help my best friend running events. Then, I realized it is the gate for a bunch of opportunities".

Congratulations Mr. Arasy! SPE Balikpapan Section is truly honored for your contributions.

© 2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Balikpapan Section.
The SPE Balikpapan Section is a section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Limited