SPE Cares - Sun Bear

Sun Bear, the smallest member of the bear family, lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. It is being threatened by habitat destruction, poaching for body parts and fur, illegal pet trade, and some farmers kill them on site. The main threat to wild sun bear populations in Indonesia is habitat loss.

SPE Balikpapan Section expressed our support through a donation to Pro Natura Foundation as caretaker of Kawasan Wisata Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup (KWPLH) KM 23. They focus on providing quality care for all sun bears at KWPLH Sun Bear Center. This includes providing medical care, funding for new sun bear facilities, high-quality food, enrichment, and maintenance of the sun bear enclosure and bear holding area.

If you want to support Sun Bear Conservation, simply click the link below:

Photos courtesy by Pro Natura Foundation


© 2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Balikpapan Section.
The SPE Balikpapan Section is a section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Limited