Expresso Digital Series #1

On June 29th , we held an Expresso Digital Series #1 with the topic 'Big Data and Machine Learning Basics' presented by Ivan Praja.

This session discussed the 5 V’s of Big Data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, & Value), the difference between labelled data and unlabelled data, and the types of Machine Learning Algorithms (Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, & Reinforcement Learning)

Machine Learning is taking place having a profound impact on different sectors of our societies, including oil and gas. In the presentation, the speaker also gave the real-life applications of machine learning in oil and gas, such as predictive facies interpretation and history matching for reservoir simulation.

In the next Expresso Digital Series #2, we will discuss machine learning in more detail. Stay tuned on our Social Media!





© 2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Balikpapan Section.
The SPE Balikpapan Section is a section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Limited